Blueprint Event Listeners
Periodic Listeners

Periodic Listeners

Periodic listeners are event listeners that trigger at specific time intervals. They are useful for tasks that need to be executed regularly, such as quality of service metrics/uptime checkers, data updates, and subscription style services.


Periodic Listeners enable your blueprint to:

  1. Schedule tasks to run at specific intervals
  2. Execute background jobs periodically
  3. Perform regular checks or updates without manual intervention

Periodic Listeners are particularly useful for tasks such as:

  • Regular data synchronization
  • Scheduled maintenance operations
  • Periodic health checks
  • Automated reporting at set intervals


Some programs may only be interested in checking for events at regular intervals. In this case, the PeriodicEventListener can be used to simplify the process.

A PeriodicEventListener is a wrapper that takes 4 type parameters:

  • MSEC: The number of milliseconds between each event check.
  • T: The inner event listener type
  • Event: The event type
  • Ctx: The context type
pub struct PeriodicEventListener<const MSEC: usize, T, Event, Ctx>

We can make a PeriodicEventListener that ticks every 5000ms to check the status of a web server using reqwest (opens in a new tab).

Start by defining our inner event listener (T = WebPoller, in this case)

use gadget_sdk::event_listener::periodic::PeriodicEventListener;
/// Define an event listener that polls a webserver
pub struct WebPoller {
    pub client: reqwest::Client,

Then, implement EventListener for WebPoller:

// We don't need a context here, so use ()
pub type MyContext = ();
impl EventListener<serde_json::Value, MyContext> for WebPoller {
    /// Build the event listener. Note that this time, we don't necessarily need the context
    async fn new(_context: &MyContext) -> Result<Self, Error>
        Self: Sized,
        let client = reqwest::Client::new();
        Ok(Self { client })
    /// Implement the logic that polls the web server
    async fn next_event(&mut self) -> Option<serde_json::Value> {
        // Send a GET request to the JSONPlaceholder API
        let response = self.client
        // Check if the request was successful
        if response.status().is_success() {
            // Parse the JSON response
            let resp: serde_json::Value = response.json().await?;
        } else {
    /// Implement any handler logic when an event is received
    async fn handle_event(&mut self, _event: serde_json::Value) -> Result<(), Error> {

Finally, register the event listener inside the job macro using event_listener:

    id = 0,
    event_listener(PeriodicEventListener::<6000, WebPoller, serde_json::Value, MyContext>), // <-- Register the event listener here
    verifier(evm = "IncredibleSquaringBlueprint")
pub fn hello_event_listener(
    x: u64,
    context: MyContext,
    env: GadgetConfiguration<parking_lot::RawRwLock>,
) -> Result<u64, Infallible> {